
Monday, March 14, 2011

How to write a Blog?

Hi Readers,

I have been writing blogs from past 3 years now. I have observed a set of basic steps to be followed for the same:

Conception phase:
1. Choose an interesting topic to write an article for. Never shy away from varied and non-popular topics since, what seems non-interesting to one may attract others.
2. Decide upon the focus of the topic and list out the content guidelines. The article should be precise in conveying the central idea and should not confuse in the process of writing.
3. Check whether your interest exists in the topic. This point is very important since a writer without interest is bound to create lower quality articles.
4. Create a catchy heading.

Structural phase:
5. Once the concept is ready, start a short and all encompassing research of the topic. Some topics may not require research. Some must. By research, it is meant that what you write should be unambiguous and impart facts which will support the topic. Save the links of the reference material if available in the internet.
6. Start filling the article with colourful words and content and finest of phrases.
7. The article should be structured in paragraphs which define boundaries of thought.

Finishing phase:
8. Select appropriate images which support and fit well with the article content. Images can be selected to suit the content as a whole or paragraph wise. Place them in the article.
9. Impregnate the links saved during the research under appropriate words. It will give strength to the article and bring automatic reverence from the reader. It also shows the effort and authenticity of the article.
10. If the blog website is not designed to open the links in a separate window or tab then change the HTML to do so. It is very annoying for a reader to press a link and then be directed to the web-page, in the same window and then again have to come back to the article as a fresh page losing the point of read. It is a major turn off. The reader may not continue to read!

Test phase:
11. SMS language fits only your cell phone. Do not spit them on the blogs. It drives the readers away as it shows disregard for the language and lack of well invested time. Abstain from using any. Spell check is a must.
12. Proof read the article immediately after completion. Then save it. Revisit it after a span of time. You will be surprised that revisiting the article made many errors, structural and grammatical, come into light. Reading an article aloud brings out the mistakes in the flow and helps in eliminating unnecessary and complex sentence structures. After re-reading the article a number of times, publish the article.

Broadcast phase:
13. Till now only you know about the whereabouts of the article. Let the world know too. You can choose your Twitter, Facebook and Gmail account to do the broadcasting for you. You can mail the link with a message body to the folks who you think will appreciate and are connected to it in a way.
14. Always keep in mind that though this entire process may take a few hours in the beginning but eventually it should reduce to an hour or less.
15. Also, please try to keep the length of the article short and sweet so as to increase readability. One may differ if the content demands so. But majority of the time, stick to 200 words or 4-5 paragraphs of written material.

Happy writing!

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