
Monday, January 10, 2011

The Curious Case Of GWT And AppEngine

On 16th July 2007, I met with an interesting Guy. Our friendship is now 42 months old. Though, his name as a word drips with arrogance when used as a verb, he is a cheerful chap and is very comfortable around all kinds of Plug-ins. Plug-ins, yes this is what he calls compatible friendship between him and an another person. Meet my friend Eclipse. His full name is "Eclipse 3.5 Galileo". And yes his middle name is a float. No wonder he is as awesome as he seems to be.

Yesterday I spent the whole day with him, chatting, poking and making merry. Remembering good ol' days of our friendship. Enough. Reality now.

Yesterday I was interfering into Google matters. Pursuing it seriously. Very serious. Mission objective was to make my friend Eclipse gain some weight. I wanted to feed him some high protein food. On the Google website the name of the thing was given as "Google Web Toolkit 2.1.1 SDK + Plugin" and "Google App Engine 1.4.0 SDK". What a weird name for a food for my friend.

I was told "Google Web Toolkit 2.1.1 SDK + Plugin" will help him to help me instead to know and learn something to do with Ajax. And the other one "Google App Engine 1.4.0 SDK" will help me to know and learn Cloud Computing Application Development. What? I said, Clouds, now is this something to learn. Ajax and Cloud?? Where am I, a Flying club or Disney Land. O.K. Let us see.

I fed him through his mouth which, the manual said, is called "Install New Software..." and is present in the Help Tab. I fed him the link. He seemed to gobble it down first , but then lost his appetite. I wondered what happened to my dear friend.

I contacted my Internet Doctor, a doctor for all remedies, Doctor Google. He prescribed a help forum for Guys named Eclipse. They told me to brush his mouth and clear it of all the "Available Software Sites" from "Windows>>Preference>>Install/Update>>Available Software Sites" and then feed him the link. I did just that and found that my friend "Eclipse 3.5 Galileo" went all normal gobbling up all the bandwidth and ate all of the 100MB SDK and plugin.

He is all fat and chubby now, helping me in learning Java Ajax Framework called Google Web Toolkit and Cloud computing App Engine. So nice of him. Thanks for being my friend "Eclipse 3.5 Galileo".

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